Jaguar XE Total Cost Of Ownership

Selected Car(s)

Total Cost Of Ownership

Jaguar XE
RM 3,20,754
RM 2,43,748
RM 2.03

Total Cost of Ownership Breakdown (in RM)

TCO Calculation
Fuel Cost
Tyre Change Cost
Service Cost
TCO Calculation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Insurance Cost 11,419 9,623 8,404 7,217 6,030 42,693
Fuel Cost 6,857 6,926 6,995 7,065 7,136 34,979
Tyre Change Cost 0 0 690 0 690 1,380
Service Cost 480 960 960 960 960 4,320
Depreciation 48,113 16,038 32,075 32,075 32,075 1,60,376
TCO 66,869 33,547 49,124 47,317 46,891 2,43,748
TCO/KM 2.79 1.4 2.05 1.97 1.95 2.03

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